Friday, May 18, 2018

6 practical and actionable tips for being an Epicurean

1. The Hedonic Calculus

The Hedonic Calculus is a great tool for us Epicureans to employ, it allows you to measure the level of pleasure to pain you are getting out of any action. Let's say you are out with a few friends drinking and you get absolutely polluted with drink, well if you use the hedonic calculus you can realize that you should have had 6 pints rather than 10 and still have the same amount of pleasure.

Next time you go out you can reduce your alcohol intake, have just as much pleasure and avoid the vast majority of pain.

You can probably already see the versatility with this, it can be applied to any situation. It's uses aren't just short term either, if you are working out of course it's not going to feel pleasurable for the first few months, after awhile though when you see changes in your strength, lung capacity and how you look you can perform the hedonic calculus and realize that your actions are worth it.

The hedonic calculus requires one component though; experience. Sometimes you have to dive into the pool in the shallow end to realize that's a bad idea but now you know for future reference.

2. The Hedonic treadmill

The hedonic treadmill is our innate ability to adapt to any situation and return to a base level of happiness, it means we can recover from pits of despair and also return to a functional state when you get too happy.

To use the hedonic treadmill to your advantage you have to realize that humans need a varied diet of pleasures, we have all listened to a great song 10-20 times when you first hear but after awhile it doesn't give the same buzz, mix things up, try new things.

One of the great things which counter the hedonic treadmill is friendship, being around friends who allows you to experience new things together, talk about deep topics without ridicule and just have a laugh.

3. Friendships

Having true friendships, one where you can be candid and open without fear of being truly judged is a great thing. Having a friend and being a friend are a sure way to be secure in pleasure. 

Many of you reading this will undoubtedly have had friendship which are painful, make you feel bad and outright abusive. These are not true friendships, these people are leeches and should either be helped or removed from your life. Do not sacrifice your happiness for sake of emotional leech. 

Luckily I have had multiple great friendships and one from childhood which is a constant source of trust, brotherhood, love and pleasure.

4. Be happy with what you have

That job that you once hoped for, the partner that you now have or the car you drive these were all things which you desired so much once, cherish them now and don't worry about what other desires you have.

This isn't a rule to not desire more than you have, it's simply a reminder that what you have now you once desired as much as the things you lust after currently.

So seek more but also remember to find pleasure in what you have in this moment.

5. We must laugh, philosophize and go about our business

For this tip, I will let the Master of pleasure himself say it in his own words.

6. Everything is a tool for pleasure

Pleasure in the noble end goal of us Epicureans, it is the nature of humanity to seek what makes them feel happy and turn away from sadness. Instead of rewriting what I said, I will simply link a previous blog I wrote on the topic. Here you go

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